This application extends the java blueprints Web Application Framework. Incorporates the signOnFilter (renamed LogInFilter) from the java pet store application for security. All components implement interfaces, of course, not shown on diagrams. JNDI lookups for "finds" and "creates" not included on sequence diagrams. Assumes at least J2EE version 1.3. (all local interfaces except for the EJBControllerRemoteEJB). For customer access on the web we must "Configure HTTPS transport for the Web container" for SSL connections and we must"Configure SSL for the application server's HTTPS transport" in order for the agent application and Transmaster to connect securely with the application server. Source: All entity beans use Container Managed Persistance. Only one entity bean is created using Container Managed Relationships, the Mileage entity bean. All others are created programmatically. An employee is destroying the Flight entity beans the minute the plane takes off. The employee must also be cleaning up used customer itineraries and segments and also creating Flight beans in the first place. All code will be well documented to aid in maintainability.